
Saturday, February 16, 2008

The cussing Catholic

Stephanie is my old girlfriend from high school – obviously she's old if she's my age and she doesn't deny having been my girlfriend. Sorry to disappoint you, dear readers, but there's no spicy story here. Gentlemen never kiss and tell, and I'm no gentleman; so if I'm not telling, then you can trust me that Stephanie has nothing to be ashamed of.

My brother Barry calls her a "cussing Catholic", probably because she's taken to using four letter words lately. The one she uses on me is "INFP". Back when Stephanie and I were both Evangelical Christians it was common practice to sign our letters with "ILYWTLOTL", which stands for "I love you with the love of the Lord". Heaven forbid that we would use just "love"; love sounds like dove, which starts with "d" and that sounds like "b" and that stands for beer.

Now she calls me an "INFP", which is probably the initials some really juicy Latin swearwords – God forbid she just call me a smartass.

Stephanie is the reason I started blogging. About a month ago I discovered her blog and of course I'm not one to be outdone by a cussing Catholic. In spite of myself, I have to admit that she writes some pretty good stuff. I read one of her stories that I really liked about how she was inspired while washing the dishes. I made the mistake of telling the librarians at school about my friend that found the holiday spirit in the soap bubbles in her kitchen sink.

They rolled their eyes.
"She found the holiday spirit in soap bubbles", they repeated me dryly. They looked at each other sagely. It must be some American thing.

Well, I'm not a cussing Catholic, but I'm sticking to my guns. I like Stephanie's story. Click on the link below and judge for yourself.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

All right then ...


Sunset over the Sea of Galilee; the day is almost done and the way back home in sight.