Israeli Indiana
This is the only photograph I've seen of myself lately that I like. It was taken recently by one of my 11th graders somewhere out there in the Negev. It's what I'd like to think I am; a kind of Israeli Indiana Jones. Who am I fooling? Probably noone, save yours truly. I'm just a eccentric English teacher. Now, how interesting could that be? Not nearly as dramatic as an archeologist like the real Indiana.
Sunset over the Sea of Galilee; the day is almost done and the way back home in sight.
This is a great photo! I do not know you, but I know good photography when I see it. :-)
I hope you found the rest of your class! LOL
YES! U r the Israeli Indiana Ami-Jones! I love it!
nice photo! I have not heard from you recently, i hope you have been doing fine. Take care of yourself. And I received your book (did I tell you) :) thanks!
much love,
Megan/ Xiu
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