They were pressed for time because the fast of Yom Kippur was approaching, so instead of making a gradual ascent they took a more direct route up to a pass and made it to a guest house. Maayan hadn't been drinking enough and by the time they arrived she was showing signs of altitude sickness – disorientation, vomiting and hypothermia (Her body temperature had dropped to 35 degrees Celsius).
Avital realized what was happening to Maayan and knew what to do. She stripped her down and opened sleeping bags to cover up and together with another girl got in with Maayan and revived her with their body heat. By the next morning Maayan felt like new and the group continued on its way.
It was with much trepidation that I sent Maayan out into the world alone. I didn't realize that she wasn't alone at all. I believe that angels were with her those long months that she trekked India and Nepal, watching over her.
I don't know if Avital is an angel or not. I know she's flesh and blood because I've met her. I don't know if she's what they call a real live hero.
But I know this: if Avital isn't an angel, then she was sent by angels. She's the one that gave me my Maayan back safe and sound. For me Avital is every bit a hero, the most important one of all.
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